Sound Health and Lasting Wealth provide a wide range of health information to millions of people around the globe on a monthly basis. A very large percentage of our readers have interest in Health News, Disease, Nutrition, Pregnancy Tips, Health Update, and Home Remedy.  Our Audience population are mainly Tertiary Institutions Admission seekers, Scholarship seekers or graduates looking for jobs, working population and the aged.

Do you offer any product or service that will interest people? Then Sound Health and Lasting Wealth is a very good avenue to spread the word about your business.

Audience Profile

Most of our readers are people who landed on this website after searching Google for various pieces of information about disease home remedy, latest celeberity health news, and health benefits. Our keywords are well optimized to gain organic traffic.

Because most visits are from search engines, 80% of our visitors are new visitors. So, if a set of people around see your advert this month, another new set of people will see it next month — which means more exposure for your advert.

If your product/service is suitable for promotion on Website, we’ll send you our payment details. After we’ve been notified of your payment by our bank, we’ll schedule your ads to be shown as soon as possible.